Excellence With G.O.P.T.A.© Series: Part 1

By: Dr. Sanjay Kumar Agarwal, Sr. Associate Editor-ICN Group

Importance of time management

There was a pin drop silence.

Nobody was ready to reply my question, when I asked the participants a very simple question in a recent workshop in the beautiful hills of Kausani. The question was, ‘whether they have ever taken out a 500 Rupees note out of their pocket and have torn it; or whether they have ever seen their parents or anybody else doing so’.

After long grilling, the answer was a usual ‘No’.

Are you not surprised, why? Everybody has the money, much or less, and can spare 500 rupees easily, but has never ever tore a note; but the ‘time’, which is limited i.e. 24 hours a day for all, is easily wasted by most of us.

The reason is only one. You have to do hard work for earning money, therefore, you don’t want to waste your money, as you understand the value of hard-earned money. You are grown up watching your parents and elders valuing the money so much, but at the same time, you have seen your parents & elders wasting lots of time in unnecessary activities. As nobody taught you the value of time, you inculcated a belief from your childhood that the time is free and unlimited, till you are alive.

But the fact is otherwise. You have limited time available and you have to do too much things during this limited time. You have to first understand the value of time. The time is a portion of your life. If you spend some time on any activity, you are spending a portion of your life on that activity; whether it is reading, entertainment, social gathering, watching television, gossiping with friends, discussing politics, etc. Once you understand this concept, your attitude about your time utilisation patterns will automatically start to change.

This is the reason why there is an old saying, “Time is Money”. I am not saying that this is fully incorrect, but the way it is often interpreted, is incorrect. It is our mindset from childhood that we weigh everything in terms of its monetary value. But time can’t be measured in terms of money. Time is limited and priceless.  If money is lost, you can regain it, but the time lost can’t be regained with money or power.

Time management is self management

There is a big prevailing misnomer that the time can be managed. The fact is that time cannot be managed. You can only organise yourself to utilise the available time in a better manner. For me, time management means planned organisation of your time utilisation patters in a definite direction i.e. towards achieving your goals.

Time Management means planned organisation of your time utilisation patters in a definite direction i.e. towards achieving your goals.

Successful time management does not mean having or finding time to do all the things you want to do. It actually means that you have full control over the decisions, as to which tasks you will do and at what time; and which tasks you will postpone for doing later.

(…To be continued on every Wednesday, Thursday & Saturday)

Dr. Sanjay Kumar Agarwal, Creator & copyright holder of the concept G.O.P.T.A.©  is an Author, Certified NLP Lifestyle Practitioner, Corporate Trainer & Motivational Speaker and recipient of Honorary Doctorate of Excellence (Management) by prestigious Young Scientist University, California, USA

From my book ‘How to Add 50000 Productive Hours to Your Life’ available at Amazon & Flipkart in English at http://bit.ly/HowToAdd50000ProductiveHoursToYourLife

and in Hindi at http://bit.ly/अपनेजीवनमें50000-उत्पादकघंटेकैसेबढ़ाएं


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